Optional Hardware

What types of hardware does Yellow Dog Software provide?

We provide data collectors (for reviewing inventory and performing physical inventories), and label printers/labels (for both retail and food & beverage environments).

For a complete list of hardware we provide, goto http://shop.yellowdogsoftware.com.

Will my existing inventory scanner work?

Yellow Dog Inventory can import from some hand-held devices. However, if your device is capable of producing a text file, we should be able to import it. Here are some of the known text file layouts that we handle:


Each line of the text file contains SKU and Quantity seperated by either a comma or a tab.


Alternating lines of the text file contain SKU and Quantity. For example, the first line would contain a SKU, the second a Quantity for that SKU, the third a new SKU, the forth the associated Quantity, etc.

The text file can optionally contain a single header line.

What size labels does Yellow Dog Inventory print to?

Label sizes in Yellow Dog Inventory are completely customizable. The layout and content of the labels is also completely customizable.

Which label printers does Yellow Dog Inventory support?

Yellow Dog Inventory can print to any printer that supports Windows print drivers.

Yellow Dog Inventory probably will not be able to print to a printer that does not have a Windows print driver.

The easiest way to determine if your printer is supported is to launch notepad.exe, type a few words, and attempt to print them to a label.