
The interface with Nexternal supports a 1-Way integration with the ability to push on hands only.

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog pulls sales data daily and pushes on hands to Nexternal using Nexternal’s API.

Sales data is matched by SKU number.

Sync Frequency

The sync frequency can be defined by the user, although by default it will be run at the top of every hour during business hours.




POS Partner


Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog requires the following from Nexternal or the client:

  • Nexternal Shop URL

  • Account Name

  • Username

  • Password

  • API Key

  • Working folder for Sales and Product.xml files

  • Export of Pre-existing Nexternal items

  • Product SKUs matched to Yellow Dog Item SKU



If matching items in Yellow Dog to pre-existing items in Nexternal, Client will need to make sure that all SKUs match.

POS Parntner

The product definition setting will need to be configured to match at Product Level. For Matrix items the product definition setting will need to be configured to match on the Attribute SKU.

Yellow Dog


Data Exchange and Mapping


Additional Information

This sync only supports configuration to one store in Yellow Dog.


  1. Multiple Nexternal instances against a single Yellow Dog Database is not currently supported.

  2. Products that are not configured correctly will cause errors during the sync and will not sync.

  3. The sync creates a log file which will list the errors and includes product numbers that don't sync properly.

"A SKU match was found on the Product level, but Inventory is not defined on the Product level for that product" error means that a product with attributes has the same SKU as its attribute. To resolve this error, change the product SKU so that it is different than the attribute SKU (for example, add an "A" at the end, as shown above).

"A SKU match was found on the SKU level, but Inventory is not defined on the SKU level for that product" error means that the Product does not have the same SKU as its attribute but is not defined at the SKU level as it should be. To resolve this error, change the Inventory Definition to define at the SKU level for the product.


Because there are no interfaces and therefore no Publish setting, the sync also generates a products.xml file from Nexternal which contains all products in the web cart. Only the products in that file will be updated by the sync.

Matrix items, called attributes in Nexternal, need to be configured properly in Nexternal in order to sync properly. For matrix items, the Nexternal product SKU must be different than the attribute SKU and the product should be configured to match on the attribute SKU. (Inventory: Define at SKU level). To change the inventory definition setting, go to the product in the product list, click the pencil icon to edit and scroll down to the Inventory section to select the definition. Regular (non-matrix, no attributes) products must be defined at the product level, while matrix items (products with attributes in Nexternal) must be defined at the SKU level.


The product below is configured correctly as a product with attributes (matrix item). The product SKU is different from the Yellow Dog matrix SKU (in this example, an "A" was added at the end), and the product is defined at the SKU level, as shown above.