InfoGenesis On Premise 2-Way Interface
Last updated - 3/14/2024
Our integration for On Premise InfoGenesis clients is a two-way file integration in Yellow Dog consumes sales files and item code data while exporting item data for new created items and updates for InfoGenesis.
Agilysys no longer supports direct database access for on prem InfoGenesis. In order to support on prem, Agilysys will need to confirm they can configure all requirements for our InfoGenesis Hosted integration that uses a file export and import. Documentation on that integration can be found here: Hosted — Yellow Dog Software Help.
Sync Approach
This interface contains four elements:
Yellow Dog’s Infogensis sync application that will drop an item.txt file to an FTP location
FTP location, provided by Yellow Dog Software to drop off the item.txt file and pick up sales and code files
Infogenesis process to locally export sales and codes files
Customer’s process to manually move files from Infogensis and Yellow Dog in and out of the FTP location
This may be a configured batch script
The sync can be run at any frequency but is generally scheduled to run four times per day.
Sales is limited to once per day when files are provided by InfoGenesis.
Item changes can be sent at any interval however Infogensis must reload the terminals for the changes to appear. Our sync scheduled will be provided and it is recommended that InfoGenesis schedule their side 15 minutes after ours runs.
This integration supports multiple RVCs per store.
Multiple instances of Infogensis against a single Yellow Dog database is not supported.
Multiple instances of Yellow Dog against a single instance of Infogenesis is not supported.
The following information is required to fully configure Yellow Dog Inventory to interface with InfoGenesis:
A complete list of profit center names and numbers that will contain retail inventory.
The starting number (menu_item_id) for items in each profit center.
The client will need to provide sales and code files to Yellow Dog’s FTP and move Yellow Dog’s export of the Mi_imp.txt to a location for Infogensis to consume.
POS Partner
Infogensis will need to set up the automated processes to import the Mi_Imp.txt, prepare the data that was imported, and to reload the terminal in order for items to be added or updated.
The following information is required to fully configure Yellow Dog Inventory to interface with InfoGenesis for a 2-Way integration:
A complete list of profit center names and numbers that will contain retail inventory.
The starting number (menu_item_id) for items in each profit center.
Product Mix files containing the following information:
Whether or not items are discountable (this can be set granularly)
All item groups used
All classes used
All report categories used
All revenue categories used
All security levels used
All tax groups used
Whether or not taxes are included
**Please Note: This item code data is included in the standard product mix export from Infogenesis, but if this is a NEW InfoGenesis install, Agilysys will need to place these files on the ftp for Yellow Dog to pick up before items can be configured correctly and exported from Yellow Dog for InfoGenesis.
For pre-existing Infogenesis systems, Agilysys will need to provide a Mi_Imp.txt file in order for Yellow Dog to import all Infogenesis item data and codes.**
Yellow Dog
Yellow Dog will need to create a FTP location to drop off MI_imp.txt files and pick up sales and code files.
Yellow Dog will need to create the MI_imp.txt file for the sync to write to.
Yellow Dog
Yellow Dog will assign the Profit Center Codes (Revenue Centers) to the corresponding Yellow Dog Store and se the starting number range.
Data Exchange and Mapping
Sales and item setup information are sent to Yellow Dog Inventory from InfoGenesis via the designated ftp location once per day. These .txt files are generated by InfoGenesis as part of their end of day process. The customer is responsible for moving these files daily.
Sales Files
Sales Detailed Export (SLXXXXXX.txt) ( IG calls this: Data Works Export file)
R_P_Sale_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Sales Mix with Check Type)
R_P_C_Sale_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Sales Mix with Check Type)
R_E_Sale_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Sales Mix with Check Type)
R_M_Sale_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Sales Mix)
Product Mix Files
R_V_Intv_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Sales Interval)
R_S_Subc_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Subcategories)
R_L_Loc_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Locations)
R_K_Item_Sku_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Sales Items)
R_I_Item_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Sales Items)
R_D_Dept_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Departments)
R_C_Cat_XX-XX-XXXX.txt (Categories)
Additional Information
There are a few changes in newer versions of Infogenesis affecting our MI_Imp.txt file format:
Sequence 4 and 5 (POS Description 1 and 2) allows 7 characters in the older version of InfoGenesis; the newer version allows 16.
Sequence 7 has an extra space in the older version that the newer version cannot support.
Our sync is currently formatted for the older version of InfoGenesis, but can be customized for the newer version.
The InfoGenesis workstations are not immediately updated when new items are imported.
Single Infogensis servers do not support multiple Yellow Dog Databases.
Yellow Dog only supports BigInt SKUs pulled in from Infogensis.
Yellow Dog does not support modifier sales.
InfoGen does not allow for different prices in different stores. (5/8/2023)
If an item is deleted or made unavailable to a store in Yellow Dog, the sync will no longer push item updates to Infogenesis. However, this does not make the item inactive in the POS.
Calculate Item Discount is only supported in 2-Way integration environments.
If enabled, discounts will be calculated by using the current Retail1 for the item in Yellow Dog in the store associated witht he transaction as ItemRetail for the transaction then subtracting the actual retail in the sales file.
Discounts cannot be calculated for items that do not match in Yellow Dog
DIscounts will only be accurate if the Retail1 for the item in Yellow Dog is pre-discount retail of the item
Infogenesis Local installations will now use SyncYdiWithInfogenesisHosted because direct database connection is no longer support by Infogenesis and will require the customer to own providing files to an FTP. (5/8/2023)
IG On Premise does not have the ability to output files directly to Yellow Dog’s FTP. (3/24/2024)
YellowDog can not push a Covers count to InfoGenesis. This will default to 0 and will be overwritten to 0 in InfoGenesis. (5/28/24)